
Smart Keeper SFP Fiber Optic Module Lock Plus – CSK-FO11

The Smart Keeper SFP Fiber Optic Module Lock Plus is the newer model of Smart Keeper SFP Fiber Optic Module Lock. The Fiber Optic Module Lock Plus provides a higher level of security with an improved locking system to effectively protect your ports.

מק"ט: CSK-FO11 קטגוריות: , ,

The Smart Keeper SFP Fiber Optic Module Lock Plus is easy to install, and its efficient, pared-down profile permits any number of locks to be applied when your system included multiple rows of connections. The lock effectively blanks-out the open port or ports and can be used selectively or en-masse.

Key NOT included

Requires one Smart Keeper Port Lock Key Professional for removal.

The Smart Keeper SFP Fiber Optic Module Lock Plus blocks unused fiber optic module slots to prevent unauthorized access.

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איפוס צבעים
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הגדלת תצוגה
איפוס תצוגה

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