Lantronix EMG 7500

This newest addition to the EMG family of edge solutions for branch offices, remote locations, retail stores where small port count, and integrated cellular connectivity are ideal at a cost-effective price. This remote console management server will improve business continuity and provide quick recovery from downtimes.

מק"ט: EMG7500 קטגוריות: , ,

A complete Out of Band edge solution

  • Intelligent Centralized Management
  • Software-defined networking
  • Zero-touch provisioning deployments
  • Always-on secure out-of-band access
  • 4G/LTE cellular failover and failback
  • Policy-based device and feature access
  • Collect and store asset telemetry data
  • Secure REST APIs to access data
  • Automation with Python scripting
  • Cisco compatible IP SLA performance monitoring
  • Data securely encrypted inflight and at rest

Easy Centralized Console Management – ConsoleFlow™

ConsoleFlow™ is Lantronix’s Software as a Service, cloud, or on-premise management platform for all deployed Lantronix edge management gateways and connected IT equipment. It offers a single pane of glass for centralized management and automated monitoring and zero-touch provisioning with real-time notifications. The ConsoleFlow mobile App is available for your iOS and Android device. ConsoleFlow™

Cost-Effective Secure Connectivity – Anytime, Anywhere

The EMG7500 remote console management server boasts a smaller size than its EMG8500 sibling while still offering up to 8 management ports. The EMG7500 is excellent for customers where space and cost matter most, perfectly suited for retail, branch offices, and unmanned locations, such as ATMs and cell towers. This cost-effective EMG family member comes in a fixed configuration with internal flash memory and an integrated cellular interface. The Lantronix Connectivity Services provides global cellular data and SMS services for your EMG7500 solution, all powered by a single SIM.

Quick Recovery from Downtimes

An integrated automatic fail-over/fail-back mechanism allows users to connect to their network equipment even when the primary network connection is congested or unresponsive. The EMG7500 can fail-over to a cellular 4G/LTE connection where all global carriers are supported with services such as Private APN, VPN access, public, and private IP addressing. Network Performance Monitoring with support of IPSLA simulation traffic can ensure continuous and reliable network communication and help mitigate Lights Out scenarios.

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