Lantronix EMG 8500

The Lantronix® EMG™ 8500 – Edge Management Gateway is the perfect edge solution for branch offices, remote locations, retail stores or anywhere an offsite network device gateway is needed and space is limited.

מק"ט: EMG8500 קטגוריות: , ,

Lights Out Management for Branch Offices & Remote Locations

Benefits You Can Depend On

Lights Out Management (LOM)– is the ability for a system administrator to connect, monitor, manage and repair servers by remote control. Lantronix enables LOM in all of its Out-of-Band Solutions. The new EMG8500 offers remote access so onsite personnel are not needed while offering easy access to minimize system downtimes.

Field Replaceable Units (FRU’s) – the industry’s first modular designed console manager offering users the ability to reduce the time required to develop and deploy new services. RJ45 serial, Ethernet, and/or USB device ports can be added to existing and new infrastructure equipment.

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רכיב נגישות

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