Lantronix LM83X

The Most Advanced Console Server

The Lantronix LM-Series are the only state-aware console servers—an expert system using rules-based AI to recover and mitigate network infrastructure securely, reliably, and automatically.

Designed from the ground up as a modular platform able to act independently from the network to remotely monitor, manage and control up to 104 devices over a serial console connection, the LM83X is the fifth generation Local Manager.

Configurable to manage 8-104 devices directly over RS-232 connections, the LM-Series is also capable of managing virtual environments and SD-WAN deployments to increase resiliency. Virtual ports and port forwarding let you use the out-of-band platform as a resilient toolbox for secure access to all your network infrastructure, automation of day-to-day management and the go-to source of information and response during network emergencies.

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Lantronix LM83X Overview

The LM83X is a scalable and robust LM-Series console server with dual power inputs for enterprises and data centers. Connectivity options include dual Ethernet management, an SFP port, modular out-of-band modem options and three expansion bays for serial and dedicated Ethernet connections.

The modular architecture lets you deploy exactly what’s needed at each location and expand as your network infrastructure grows. Cellular connectivity for out-of-band is a popular option, and the Lantronix LM-Series has several options from high-speed LTE to high signal penetration CatM1 modems providing reliable links from typically low-signal locations. For some of the most remote locations on earth, there is even out-of-band over an Iridium LEO satellite link via the Lantronix LEO-I antenna which is commonly deployed in Energy and DoD locations.

LM83X with the Lantronix Control Center

You can access the LM83X and connected devices directly through the CLI or utilize the Lantronix Control Center for a single pane of glass to manage LM-Series devices and automate management of connected devices.

Accessing the advanced features of the LM-Series platform through the Control Center opens new levels of network management automation from real-time data to manage, configure and control network devices and servers. Define custom automated management actions without scripting and apply them across your deployment securely. The Control Center also provides detailed compliance reporting and integration with other centralized tools in the NOC.

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