
Smart Keeper Secure Kit – CSK-SK01

Your Smart Keeper Secure Kits can be synced to match your organization’s serialized Smart Keeper Professional Series Key code, and they can be installed quickly and simply without software, electrical supply, or special expertise.

מק"ט: CSK-SK01 קטגוריות: , ,

Key NOT included

  • The Smart Keeper Secure Kit is a secured flash memory drive and a connector without software application.
  • Requires no electricity, software, or special expertise.
  • The Smart Keeper Secure Kit is ideal for government employees and private contractors who deal with sensitive information that cannot afford to be compromised.
  • Connected alone, the Smart Keeper Secure Connector functions as a data stripper, allowing you to charge your device without sharing potentially malicious files.
  • Use as an extra layer of security by deploying the Smart Keeper Secure Connector on your devices and applying the authentication software, such as security tokens, to your Smart Keeper Secure Drive. Both devices must be used in conjunction to complete the authentication process. Further secure your connections and preserve your USB ports with Smart Keeper Secure Connections.
  • Isolate your portable data within you organization.
  • Prevents unauthorized users from transferring data from the Smart Keeper Secure Drive without a coordinating Smart Keeper Secure Connector.
  • Can be synced to match your organization’s existing serialized Smart Keeper Port Lock Key Professional key code.
  • Quick and simple to install.

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